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Better Health Partners With Strictly’s James Jordan For Stoptober 2022

By Jordan Millar 27th October 2022 3 Mins


As Stoptober once again launches in the UK, health officials highlight the importance of confidence when quitting smoking.

For many, October is dedicated to all things spooky; when houses are draped in fake cobwebs and shop shelves are lined with bumper packs of sugary treats.

But for smokers across the UK, it can also be a time to face up to one of the most daunting challenges of their lives, finally ditching cigarettes.

Sadly, the problem for so many people up and down the country is actually finding the confidence to quit…an issue that the Stoptober 2022 campaign wants to address.

Led by government brand Better Health, the nationwide effort set out to arm people with the right facts and the right attitude to help free them from the shackles of smoking addiction.

It gave people access to extensive resources on reduced risk alternatives like vaping and outlined a timeline of how your health would shift for the better once you become smoke-free.

Ahead of Stoptober, health authorities confirmed smoking is still a tremendous public health scourge in England, saying the campaign would encourage people to ‘build their confidence’ so they can ‘stop smoking for good’.

To hammer home the true power of self-belief, Better Health also unveiled a short film featuring former Strictly Come Dancing professional and ex-smoker of 27-years James Jordan.

The near three-minute clip saw the dancer and tv personality sit down with NHS psychiatrist Dr Max Pemberton and stop smoking expert Louise Ross in an effort to find the ‘best advice possible’ for those kicking the habit.

Pemberton – who was a heavy smoker himself – pointed to evidence that ‘self-efficacy’ and self belief play an important role in determining the success of a quitting attempt. He also told viewers that they should aim to stay smoke-free for at least 28 days, stressing that you are five times more likely to quit for good if you can hit that target.

Louise Ross outlined a number of ‘practical tips’ to keep you on track during Stoptober, saying you could write down your reasons for stopping smoking, tell your family about your goal or consider using quitting aids.

The longtime harm reduction supporter even got a quick vape shoutout in the film, urging people to visit the Better Health website where they could find NHS-backed facts on the reduced risk alternative.

Wrapping up her advice, Louise said:

“Don’t do it alone, thousands of people are going to be quitting during Stoptober…this keeps people feeling supported and helps them be successful.”

In a statement ahead of Stoptober, James Jordan opened up about his own experience with smoking, admitting that – while he feels confident in most areas of his life – he didn’t think he would be able to ditch cigarettes.

However, he revealed his quitting journey showed him that he’s ‘more capable’ than he once thought, saying the support of his friends, family and professionals helped him become smoke-free.

He said:

“I am so glad I took this step and had the chance to speak to the brilliant experts to give myself and others the confidence that quitting, even if you’ve been smoking for decades, is possible.”

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Jordan Millar