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Vape News

US: Active Ingredients in Viagra Found in E-Liquids

By Roisin Delaney 16th October 2018 1 Min


The US Food and Drug Administration has written to a vape company having discovered their e-liquids contain chemicals active in Viagra.

HelloCig Electronic Technology received a warning from the FDA this week as the company’s e-liquids were found to contain tadalafil and sildenafil.

These chemicals are active ingredients in erectile dysfunction drugs Cialis and Viagra.

The letter followed FDA officials seeing the products advertised online.

The FDA pointed out in their notice that these ingredients are FDA-approved, however they are not approved by the agency for sale over the counter in e-liquid form.

The US public health agency also highlighted that the marketing of the e-liquids that gave the assumption that the ingredients were in fact FDA approved.

FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb MD said:

“There are no e-liquid products approved to contain prescription drugs or any other medications that require a doctor’s supervision.”

Vapouround has contacted HelloCig Electronic Technology for comment.

warning letter from the FDA regarding viagra e-liquids

Meanwhile the vaping industry and mainstream media have both been reacting to the news story as it emerged online this week.

usa today headline - viagra and vape?

USA Today covered the story this week

Esquire articleEsquire were one of several online outlets to cover the story



About this author

Roisin Delaney