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Vape News

#VapeNews July 1 2019

By Staff Editor 1st July 2019 2 Mins


Panic over the supposed youth vaping epidemic continues to dominate the headlines

Here are three of the big stories doing the rounds at the beginning of the week.

Vermont Vape Tax

Today an eye-watering 92 percent tax goes into effect on all vapour products.

State Rep. George Till, who is the main proponent of this new legislation said:

“Youth are particularly sensitive to price and the goal here is to keep the kids from getting addicted.”

UK Experts speak out against San Francisco vape ban

Public health experts in the UK believe San Francisco’s ban on sales of e-cigarettes “could set back the war on smoking.”

Martin Dockrell, head of tobacco control at Public Health England said:

“Alcohol, smoked tobacco, cannabis, smoking or vaping – all of them are legal but the least harmful is e-cigarettes and they’ve banned them. Not just sales to young people, which we’ve done in this country, but for adults too. That is particularly difficult to understand.”

Prof. John Newton, health improvement director at PHE said:

“We could accelerate the decline in smoking if more smokers switched completely to vaping.

“Recent new evidence clearly shows using an e-cigarette with stop smoking service support can double your chances of quitting.

“But with e-cigarettes currently used so rarely in services, it’s time for change. Every stop smoking service must start talking much more about the potential of vaping to help smokers quit.”

Florida bans vaping at work

From Monday, vaping will be banned in the workplace in Florida.

Laura Corbin, Bureau Chief for Tobacco Free Florida, said:

“E-cigarette use in public places and indoors can re-normalise smoking and threaten to reverse the declines we have had in youth cigarette smoking. So, this is a positive step in youth prevention.”

The new law does not preclude bars, private residences or specialist vape shops from allowing indoor vaping, though.

Header Image: Mpumelelo Macu



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Staff Editor