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The Vape Live Europe flag above the auditorium entrance


Vape Live: Day One in the Auditorium

By Caroline Barry 28th April 2021 5 Mins


Vape Live is back and this time it’s gone European. The first day saw presentations from industry experts discussing everything from product trends to what vapers can do to help change minds and educate.

Here’s a rundown from day one of the third Vape Live event

Welcome to Vape Live

A man sits in a white room wearing a light blue shirt. A silver sign in the background reads Vapouround Magazine

Vapouround editor Patrick Griffin welcomed everyone to Vape Live.

He stressed although it has been a difficult year, it is great to see the vape stores back in business.

He also highlighted the positives of the expo in that it’s a chance to celebrate the industry without having to leave our homes.

“One of the good points is that, here in the UK, vape shops are back in business again.

Vape Live is a celebration of all things in the vape industry, where we come to you rather than a traditional expo, where you have to go to wherever the expo is.

“Unfortunately, because of the continuing pandemic, the traditional expos are closed, but we never close.”

Derek Beauchamp Stresses the Importance of Pre-Screening Products for PMTA

A slide from a presentation that shows the composition of an e-liquid with an image of plain white e-liquid bottles

Dr Derek Beauchamp outlined that pre-screening products ahead of a PMTA application could save time and money.

As part of his presentation, ‘The Safety of ENDS Devices: The Importance of Screening, Compliance and Quality’, Derek said that a full PMTA application could cost a company £1 million.

But pre-screen testing could help companies be cost effective and prevent a potential fail.

“What a company could do is if they weren’t sure about the product, they could do some quick, inexpensive research and development.

“In development screening we’re looking for HPCs. It’s very cost effective and quick.”

We Vape Fights for Fair Vape Policy
A man sits in front of a poster stating 'join we vape' featuring a hand holding a vape in it

Mark Oates, director vaping advocacy group, We Vape spoke about fighting for fair vaping policy.

He opened the discussion by explaining how he quit smoking through vaping and snus.

Read more: What’s happening at World Vape Day?

Mark highlighted that Sweden have lowest rates of smoking related cancers in Europe which he believes is from the high rates of snus users in the country.

“I started a bit of a campaign when I used to work in Parliament, and I campaigned to legalise snus. And then that’s what drove me to start to talk about harm reduction.

“I saw how a lot of people and governments were not recognising the role that vaping could play in reducing smoking deaths across the world.”

Read more: Mark Oates on why Britain should consider smoking deaths as important as the environment.

Vapouround Magazine Discusses the Importance of Educating Smokers

Two men sit beside each other. One is wearing a beige jumper and the other is in a blue shirt. They are in discussion in front of a sign that says Vapouround Magazine.

Patrick was joined by Vapouround journalist Jordan Millar for a discussion on why smokers are scared to vape.

Patrick opened by stating that this could be due to vapers not considering e-cigarettes as less harmful than smoking due to lack of education on the issue.

The discussion also touched on issues surrounding anti-vaping rhetoric in the media, politicians and also the EVALI crisis.

“If you’re watching this, and you are a smoker, and you think that vaping is more harmful for you, then I do actually want to break it to you, you’re wrong, it’s not. And the chances are, if you give it a go, you will enjoy it.”

Patrick Griffin, Editor, Vapouround Magazine

ECigIntelligence Outlines the Latest European Trends

A slide from a presentation at vape live europe on influencing factors in the vaping market. It includes demand and supply, legislation along with cartoons of each and a small image of the speaker.

Julie Sedbon from Ecigintelligence held a presentation outlining vape market and product trends.

She touched on the factors influencing the European market and consumer preferences.

“We are noticing changes in regulation at a country level. Latvia, Denmark and the Netherlands have already made the decision to ban flavour other than tobacco while EU members are thinking about it.”

Julie Sedbon, ECigIntelligence
A slide from a presentation at Vape Live Europe about consumer preferences in Europe. This graph breaks down the preferences of flavours by country.

UKVIA Panel Discusses the Importance of VApril

The UKVIA hosted a panel discussion on the importance of celebrating VApril.

Now in it’s fourth year, VApril is a consumer focused campaign that highlights the benefits of vaping.

The panel was presented by John Dunne, Director General of the UKVIA, Mark Pawsey MP, Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Vaping, Patricia Kovacevic, Global Legal and Regulatory Strategist at Andina Gold Corp and Clive Bates, Director of Counterfactual Consulting.

Mark Pawsey mentioned that the numbers taking up vaping are a concern as they are starting to stall, potentially as a result of decreased interaction between customers and sales advisers.

A Zoom panel of people discussing the Vape Live Europe and VApril

Mark reflected on the value of discussing your vaping needs with specialist retailers. as vape shops reopen once again.

“I saw how they engaged with a smoker to find out about the variety of cigarettes they smoked, how heavily they smoked and about flavours. It was a consultation and it was an engagement.

“One of the challenges over the last year has been to replicate that level of engagement and support online. You can’t do that in the same way as you can face to face.”

The Zen Vaper Says European Vapers Have It Easy in Comparison to the US

A man sits in front of a blue earth screen on Zoom

Don highlighted the new difficulties in shipping as one of the biggest problems in the market right now.

Despite an estimate that vaping is on the decrease among high schoolers, Don says that US shipping companies have jumped on the bandwagon in banning the shipping of vape items.

This has forced US brands to get creative and seek out smaller or alternative brands in order to get their product to market.

Don anticipates that we will start to see a decline in the flavours we love in the UK and EU as US companies struggle to get their products out of the country.

He also stressed that brands are starting to collapse under the strain of these bans.

Learn more: Germany threatens to triple vaping taxes



About this author

Caroline Barry

Caroline Barry is an experienced journalist across multiple sectors and hails from Clonakilty in Ireland. Her journalism focuses on CBD, medical cannabis, vaping, LGBT+ rights and culture. She is currently working on her first non-fiction book about growing up gay with ADHD in rural Ireland. Caroline is currently based in Nottingham, England with her small black cat.