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Advanced Vaping

Best Beginner RDAs 2020

By Staff Editor 18th August 2020 5 Mins


If you’re looking to save money on coils, enhance flavour output and have the option to more finely tune your vape, a rebuildable atomiser is likely your best bet.

There are thousands of options on the market but rebuildable dripping atomisers (RDAs) remain the most user-friendly option for those who are new to building. This is because RDAs are more forgiving when it comes to wicking and generally have more space on the deck, which allows you to become familiar with coil installation.

Today, we’re taking a look at four RDAs which are ideal for beginners. Our main criteria for these products is their ease of use, availability and price point. 

1. Asmodus Barrage: 

The Asmodus Barrage was released towards the end of 2019 and is still readily available from a variety of retailers. The Barrage is a 24mm single coil atomiser, which means there’s plenty of room on the deck to install builds, whether you’d like to try a simple round wire coil, or something more exotic.

The top down grub screw posts make securing your leads hassle free, which tends to be one of the more difficult parts of building for newcomers. The airflow system is also simple, with a non-adjustable design that feeds air from the top of the atomiser, through an internal chamber towards the bottom of your coil.

The result is a simple RDA with a fairly open draw and lots of room to experiment with wicking and coil specs. Since the internal slopes indicate where your airflow is directed, this is a good atomiser for gaining an understanding of coil positioning. 

2. Dovpo Variant: 

The Variant RDA is a collaboration between Dovpo and Youtuber The Vapor Chronicles (TVC). TVC’s first RDA, the Drop, was hugely successful and the Variant is the natural evolution of this design.

Unlike the Barrage, the Variant is a dual coil RDA. While this does make it more time consuming to build, it also allows for a higher power ceiling and substantially more airflow if desired. The stepped barrel design allows you to choose from many airflow settings, which is important if you’re still trying to find out what works best for you going forward.

The “postless” deck design also makes installing and clipping coils a relatively straightforward process and in conjunction with the airflow control, allows you to experiment with different coil heights.

A large flathead screw on the bottom of the deck can be opened or closed to enable compatibility with squonk mods, which is one less component that you’ll need to switch out if you haven’t decided if manually dripping, or using a squonk mod is more your style. A solid all rounder for high wattage vapers. 

3. Coilturd An RDA For Vaping:

Despite the tongue-in-cheek name, An RDA For Vaping is a serious atomiser. Like the Variant, this RDA uses a dual coil postless design. This atomiser differs from many others in its class with a compact chamber and replaceable airflow rings, though.

Due to the low profile design, An RDA For Vaping is able to pump out some serious flavour. The replaceable airflow rings allow you to choose between one, two or three airflow inlets on each side. This results in a versatile airflow experience, ranging from restricted direct lung, all the way up to a cloud chasers dream.

An RDA For Vaping is a little more expensive than the other devices on this list, but we still think it’s worth a mention for beginners, due to its ease of use, fantastic flavour and easily customisable airflow. 

4. Oumier Wasp Nano:

 The Wasp Nano is the oldest RDA on this list, having been released in 2017 but it’s still widely available and extremely budget friendly.

This RDA made waves when it first came to market due to its price point and simplicity. Since then, it’s been the “beginner’s RDA” of choice for thousands of vapers.

Despite its 22mm diameter, the Wasp Nano manages to provide plenty of space on its single coil deck. Just like the Barrage RDA, a top down screw system makes securing leads a breeze and the generous airflow inlets mean that the Wasp can handle large exotic coils without issue.

Due to the slammed design and compact chamber, The Wasp Nano is able to produce excellent flavour, working particularly well with multi-strand Fused Claptons and similar medium-high mass builds.

If I had to pick any RDA on this list to recommend to a beginner, I would choose the Wasp Nano every time. Is it my personal favourite? No, but it is a fantastic atomiser to learn the principles of rebuilding and achieve a high quality vape experience at the same time, without breaking the bank or joining a waiting list.  

Topics: Hardware Reviews, Recommended, Tanks, Vaping Guides


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Staff Editor