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best single coil RDAs

Advanced Vaping

Top 5 Single Coil RDAs

By Staff Editor 4th April 2020 4 Mins


Although dual coil setups are seen as the standard for RDAs, smaller single coil atomisers are still a very popular option. Not only does a single coil mean less battery drain, it also means far less e-liquid consumption. Since the deck and atomiser itself can also be much more compact, in many cases flavour production can be on par with, or even exceed the capabilities of a larger dual coil atomiser. The only thing single coilers fall short on objectively is vapour output, which to many is no bad thing. Today, we’re covering five of our favourite single coil RDAs. There should be something here to suit all budgets and airflow preferences.

5. Wotofo Recurve:

RRP: £20-25

Mikevapes and Wotofo teamed up for this RDA at the start of 2018 but it’s still a great option. It has a fairly open draw for a single coiler, with a half pipe deck and honeycomb airflow. The postless design makes building a breeze, even for newcomers. The lack of well depth does mean that this RDA is primarily suited to squonking, though this is how many single coil RDAs are intended to be used anyway. A great option for those coming from subohm tanks.

Wotofo Recurve RDA

4. Psyclone Mods Citadel:

RRP: £75

Psyclone Mods have built their brand on single coil RDAs and the Citadel is their most refined offering. It has a semi-restricted draw when wide open, with a simple top-down screw deck. The addition of an Ultem insert is supposed to intensify flavour, though in our experience it mostly reduces spitback from the coil. Flavour output is excellent from this one and it squonks like a dream. The Citadel is a little more pricey than mainstream RDAs but the build quality and aftercare is worth the asking price in our view.

Psyclone Mods Citadel RDA

3. Coilart Dpro Mini:

RRP: £20-25

Another 2018 release that still does the business. The Dpro Mini is a super slammed 22mm RDA, with a postless deck and very restrictive direct lung draw when wide open. The combination of tiny chamber and  precise airflow result in fantastic flavour production, though these same attributes also mean that the atomiser is not suited to especially large builds, such as Aliens. The affordable price make this our top pick for flavour purists who are on a budget.

Coilart Dpro Mini RDA

2. 5A’s Basic 1.1 Ti:

RRP: £80

5A’s are a Filipino manufacturer who are well known in the high end community, though that’s perhaps the extent of their recognition. The Basic 1.1 Ti is the apex of their original Basic design. It has a super simple top down screw deck, extremely reduced chamber and unique airflow design, which comes in from the top and then travels down an internal channel to hit the side of the coil. The result is top tier flavour in a tiny RDA that is pretty much leak proof. At $100 RRP, it’s not the cheapest RDA out there but it’s a great choice for those who are willing to spend the extra cash.

5A’s Basic 1.1 Ti RDA

1. Haku Engineering Venna:

RRP: £80

Anyone who’s remotely interested in flavour chasing should know about the Venna by now. Australian modders Haku Engineering are another company that specialises in single coil atomisers and in our view, the Venna is their best work. Like others on this list, the Venna features a super slammed design, with a confined internal chamber. It has a similar top down screw deck, too, which makes building straightforward.

What sets the Venna apart from other atomisers in its class is the airflow design. Two inlets on each side of the atomiser angle down towards the coil, resulting in precise jets of air being fired underneath and on the side of the coil, when built correctly. The result is an extremely smooth, quiet draw that delivers top tier flavour. With just a touch more air than the Dpro Mini, this is another one for those who enjoy a very restricted direct lung draw.

Haku Engineering Venna RDA

Topics: Hardware Reviews, Recommended, Tanks, Top 5, Vaping Guides


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Staff Editor