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Distinguishing vaping from smoking in upcoming tobacco control plan (TCP) is of “fundamental importance”

By UKVIA 1st December 2021 4 Mins


The UKVIA has welcomed calls from leading politicians for smoking to be clearly distinguished from “non-combustible alternatives” – including vaping – when the long-awaited Tobacco Control Plan (TCP) is finally published.

Members of Parliament also made the case for the TCP to fully recognise the vital role vaping has played in helping millions of people to quit smoking and the part it has in getting the UK’s faltering “Smoke Free 2030” ambitions back on track.

The remarks were made during a Westminster debate about the TCP, led by the APPG for Smoking and Health.

Mark Pawsey, Conservative MP for Rugby and Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Vaping, said his belief in vaping as an effective and less harmful alternative to smoking was underpinned by Public Health England’s assertion that e-cigarettes were “95% safer than smoking combustible tobacco”.

Mr Pawsey said the new TCP must “continue on the pragmatic and progressive path” forged in recent years, while acknowledging “the importance of reduced-risk products in reducing smoking prevalence in our country”.

He added:

“It was very concerning to read through some of the documents for the recently concluded FCTC COP9 and to see a concerted effort to treat vaping as smoking.

“It is essential that we do not conflate the smoking of combustible tobacco with vaping.

“They are entirely separate and should be treated as such…this is something we should fight back against at all costs.”

Mark Pawsey, Conservative MP

Andrew Lewer, Conservative MP for Northampton South agreed, saying that the Government’s Tobacco Control Plan needs to be ‘based on the significant and growing body of evidence’ that vaping is an effective alternative for smokers.

He said:

I thank the Secretary of State for announcing that the Medicine & Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has updated its guidance on medical licensing for e-cigarettes.

“But there is still a public perception that vaping is as harmful, and in some cases, more harmful than smoking.”

Andrew Lewer, Conservative MP

Of the estimated 3.3m vapers in the UK, 1.8m are ex-smokers and the remainder are smokers who also vape. There are about 7m smokers in total in the UK.

However, Mr Lewer added the number of smokers switching to vaping had slowed in the last 18 months largely due, in his words, to “misleading media articles, junk science articles and concerns over the quality of e-cigarettes”.

Mark Pawsey said that there “is no doubt in my mind” that vaping has played a significant role in reducing smoking prevalence in the UK, adding: “If the Government is serious about its 2019 commitment to get the UK smoke-free by 2030, the role of vaping must be further reinforced and supported through the new Tobacco Control Plan.”

He also called for the TCP to not be published before the publication of the Post-Implementation Review into the Tobacco and Related Products Regulations or the ONS data for 2021 on smoking prevalence.

The APPG for Vaping has set out recommendations for how the new TCP can embrace those to help eliminate smoking, tackle inequality and help level-up and strengthen consumer confidence in vaping by tackling the misinformation which is presently prevalent.

Mark Pawsey said: “It is imperative that the evidence gathered through this process is properly considered, transparently disclosed and used to best effect before we set a new policy direction through the new Tobacco Control Plan.

He continued:

“The new plan should be used as an opportunity to introduce a multi-category approach that encourages switching to less harmful alternatives where a smoker is unable to quit entirely.

“We know that it is the process of combustion which carries the harm in cigarettes, so we need to fully analyse all of the non-combustible, reduced-risk products available on the market and align regulations for these products as has been advocated for by the Royal College of Physicians. 

“We must do this concurrently with ensuring that regulations fully differentiate between combustible and non-combustible products.”

Andrew Lewer said that he would also like to see more support in the TCP for online vape retailers and manufacturers who need to be able to responsibly promote their products online as well as highlight the health and cost benefits of switching to e-cigarettes. 

John Dunne, Director General of the UK Vaping Industry Association, added:

“The UK is at a perilous stage in its journey towards a smoke free future, and the TCP will be crucial in steadying the ship and getting those ambitions which, after all, are rooted in harm reduction, back on course.

“With highly vocal advocates, in both the political and health protection camps, I feel we are in a stronger than ever position to finally get vaping the recognition it deserves

“It is very encouraging to hear vaping being debated in this way at such a high and influential level.”

John Dunne, UKVIA


About this author


John Dunne is the Director General of the UK Vaping Industry Association (UKVIA) and is one of it's founding members.John has a long and well-respected background in the European vaping sector and has held senior positions at some of industry's leading firms. In addition, he has advised industry analysts, financial institutions and the UK government on the vaping and tobacco harm reduction, as well as given evidence before health and scientific committees advocating for the industry.John is often seen on UK television, radio and worldwide print media.