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Vape Advocacy

Consumers Tell The World Health Organization: ‘Listen to science and people.’

By Michael Landl 21st October 2021 2 Mins


Earlier this week, 100 top experts in the field of tobacco harm reduction – including WVA’s scientific advisor Prof. Bernhard Mayer – sent a clear message to the WHO: The war on vaping and other alternatives must end! 

Dr. Mendelsohn, an Australian expert has clearly made the point that the current anti-vaping approach from the WHO will “lead to more death and suffering from smoking” and he is right! Vaping already helped millions of smokers to quit for good. The WHO must finally listen to consumers and science to save 200 million lives around the world. 

The World Vapers’ Alliance stands fully behind the experts and urges the WHO to rethink its current position on vaping and similar alternatives. We present below our three main requests from the World Health Organisations ahead of their tobacco control conference COP9 in November: 

What consumers want from The WHO: 

  • The recognition and inclusion of tobacco harm reduction methods
  • The right to access and affordability for consumers
  • The effective participation of consumer in discussions at COP9

Millions of consumers around the world have quit smoking with the help of less harmful alternatives. Harm reduction products (vaping, nicotine pouches, snus, and others) can save millions of lives. There is an enormous weight of evidence supporting these arguments. 

Therefore, we request the endorsement of alternative tobacco harm reduction methods and a fair representation during COP9. 

The World Vapers’ Alliance says 

  1. The World Health Organization must endorse Tobacco Harm Reduction
  2. Guarantee access and affordability of less harmful alternatives
  3. Consumers and organisations in the field of Tobacco Harm Reduction need to be heard

To read more on this check out the World Vaper’s Alliance website by clicking the button below:

Read more about the World Vaper’s Alliance:



About this author

Michael Landl

Michael Landl is the director of the World Vapers’ Alliance. He is from Austria and based in Vienna. Michael is an experienced policy professional and passionate vaper. He studied at the University of St. Gallen and worked for several public policy outlets and as well in the German Parliament.