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Stoptober 2017: Year Of The E-Cig?

By Leo Forfar 21st September 2017 3 Mins


Vapouround back a quitting campaign finally embracing e-cigarettes.

October is almost upon us. While we’re all eagerly counting down to Halloween and the Vaper Expo, here’s an unmissable initiative to last the entire month.

For the very first time, the Stoptober campaign, started by government agency Public Health England, is endorsing and embracing the use of e-cigarettes as a tool for smoking cessation.

Stoptober 2017 will even feature vaping in its TV adverts, overcoming a hurdle companies have been contending with for years.

This represents a major step towards institutional support for e-cigarettes, and is great news for vapers and vape businesses in the UK.

But what is Stoptober?

“Stoptober” was started in 2012 by Public Health England as the Lent of smoking cessation. According to their website:

“Stoptober is based on the insight that if you can stop smoking for 28-days, you are five times more likely to be able to stay quit for good. The campaign chunks down the quitting process, presents it as a more manageable 28 days and rallies people around a specific date to get started.”

Stoptober is now in its sixth year and begins, as always, on October 1. You can find PHE’s clear and accessible resources via their website:

If your usual warnings about cigarettes and recommended vapes have gone unheeded, Stoptober comes with a boost. Having a set date and time period, as well as treating cessation as a trial run can help the quitting process. A single smoke-free month is often enough for the positives to show. If you have a friend or loved one in your life who you’d like to see quit cigarettes, this may be the perfect opportunity for them to experience the benefits of a cigarette-free lifestyle without the intimidating prospect of long-term commitment putting them off.

The meteoric rise of e-cigarette use has put another invaluable tool in its arsenal. Vaping is known for the strong, intimate sense of community it creates, and for many this is the extra step needed not just to get off cigarettes, but stay off them. Few can quit such an addictive habit without a friendly system of support and accountability.

For Stoptober 2017, Vapouround are taking it one step further.

Stoptober 2017 will be Vapouround’s second foray into the campaign, and it’s looking better than ever. We’ll be hosting a competition via Facebook, wherein vapers tag friends who smoke. The winner will receive a free mod, and other high-quality Vapouround merchandise.

Tagged smokers will be set up with their very own starter kits, provided by Evolution Vaping. Introducing newcomers to vaping is a specialty of vape companies, and we have full confidence in what can be provided. We hope that for many smokers, this Stoptober won’t just be another ticked box in the calendar, but the beginning of a permanent lifestyle change for the better.



About this author

Leo Forfar