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Vape News

UK Were the Biggest E-Cigarette Spenders in 2019

By Gordon Stribling 3rd February 2020 1 Min


UK adults spent more on vaping products in 2019 than any other nation, according to new report.

This latest report, developed by Statista, shows statistics on the total consumer spending on e-cigarettes in the UK in 2019.

Each adult spent around £33, generating a revenue of £2.5bn. This accounts for almost 17 percent of the global market share.

US spending followed at £5bn or £14 per capita, followed by New Zealand at £142m or £30 per capita.
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The global market has grown by almost 20 percent since 2012 and is projected to hit almost £19bn by 2023.

Interestingly, the US market has continued to grow at a steady pace despite the recent spate of vaping scandals.

The FDA recently announced a ban of flavoured pods in a bid to curb the so-called teen vaping ‘epidemic.’

However, the ban does not affect disposable, single-use devices. This has reportedly led some teens to switch to closed pods rather than quit vaping altogether.

Source: Yahoo! Style
Header Image by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash.[/um_loggedin] [um_loggedout]
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Gordon Stribling