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Vape News

#VapeNews 17 June 2019

By Staff Editor 17th June 2019 2 Mins


We’re back with another round-up of the big vape stories circulating this week

Health Canada has announced a new wave of inspections of over 3,000 retailers.

The organisation, which in the last 12 months had recommended industry-friendly guidelines, now appears to be taking a more hard-line approach, particularly when it comes to “kid-friendly” flavours, lifestyle advertising and testimonials.

Les Hagen, Action on Smoking and Health Executive Director, said:

“We’re glad this is happening, sadly the horse is already out of the barn and it’s galloping at full speed towards our kids”

Atul Kalia, owner of an independent chain of vape shops said he was unconcerned about the increased scrutiny but still felt that the industry is being unfairly targeted, commenting:

“There’s over 9000 alcohol flavours, we don’t see the alcohol industry being regulated where the vape industry is being regulated.”

The Malaysian government seeks to introduce tighter controls on the vaping industry in the future.

Deputy Health Minister Dr. Lee Boon Chye said:

“The decision on whether the sale or use of e-cigarettes and vaping will be banned in the country depends on the results of an ongoing study, which includes taking into account current needs and situation.”

The government has already drafted a bill of new regulations and plans to table it next year.

An outright ban isn’t on the table just yet but the National Cancer Society of Malaysia is urging the government to enforce a blanket ban on the sale of all vaping products.

A new study has shown a relationship between cartoon-based marketing materials and the likelihood of never-smokers to take up vaping.

In the US, cartoon imagery has been banned for use in marketing tobacco since 1999 but no such restriction exists for vaping.




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Staff Editor